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Our School


Valley Center Intermediate School Core Values
The Intermediate School was set-up to serve as a "transition" for students between the elementary schools (K-3) and middle school (6-8).  With that in mind, our staff and students developed core values and building expectations. Our core values are to "Be The Change, Making a Difference Beyond You." These core values drive everything we do at VCIS and we want to make sure we are educating students not only academically but also socially and emotionally as they move forward into the world.    


Frequently Asked Questions about VCIS:

How is VCIS like elementary school - what's the same?

  • Academic and Specials classes - Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Art, P.E., Music and Library (Digital Literacy)
  • Homeroom Teacher - This teacher will have the same students for the majority of the day.  
  • Students share teachers 
  • Homeroom Class - Teachers will meet with students during the week to truly build a connection with students and students build that connection with each other.  The one purpose of homeroom is to build a family with students who will be together until they graduate.  
  • Character Education Lessons
  • Academic Supports (MTSS) - Language Arts/Math
  • Be the Change Behavior Model

How do we provide students with more responsibility - what's different?

  • Students have the opportunity to use lockers to store their supplies.
  • Students will be checked out a Chromebook that they will be able to take home.
  • Students will switch classes during the day
  • Students in 5th grade may choose to take "Band" or participate in other "Exploratory Classes" such as: Fitness/Careers/Digital Citizenship as well as many others.  
  • VCIS has various clubs including Student Council, Kindness Club, Circle of Friends, Robotics and more.

What is the daily schedule at the Intermediate School?

8:00 a.m. - School Doors Open
8:35 a.m. - Classes Begin
3:50 p.m. - Car Rider/Walker Dismissal
3:55 p.m. - Bus Rider Dismissal

How does the car-line work?

VCIS is lucky to have multiple car-lines to pick up your student.  You can find more information on how our car-lines work by clicking here.  If you ever have any suggestions on our car-line please let us know. 

Where can I find assignments from teachers if my child was absent from school?

If your child was absent, there are a few different things you can do.  With our students having Chromebooks many teachers will be using Google Classroom to keep up on assignments.  We also have a number of teachers who use other websites, such as Remind, Instagram and Facebook, to keep assignments up to date online. 

Students also need to check with the teacher when they return to see what assignments/lessons they have missed.  Students will be given an opportunity to make-up any work that was missed. If you have any questions as to what your child has missed, your students can always speak with their teachers or you can contact them via phone or e-mail. 

Student ID Information

Student ID's are required to use for breakfast, lunch and library.  If the student loses their ID card (or lanyard and/or pouch), they can be replaced in the office.  Replacement is free unless it starts to become an ongoing issue then a small fee could be charged.